Orthodontic Fact #4

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Although there is no set age in which children should be evaluated by an orthodontist, it is recommended that this should take place at approximately 7 years of age. Some orthodontic problems are much easier to correct at a younger age, with corrections working best between the ages of 7 to 10. There are many orthodontia problems that can be identified at these young ages such as over bites, under bites, severe crowding, narrow jaws, and front teeth that are severely protruded. Corrections typically work best at these ages when the jaw is still growing. Benefits offered by early consultation and treatment with an orthodontist include:
- Delaying treatment for some orthodontic problems can create an increased difficulty in correcting the problem later, lead to less stable results and abnormal tooth wear, jaw growth, or increased risk of chipping a tooth. All of which are highly preventable with early treatment.
- Early orthodontic care can also support proper alignment of incoming permanent teeth, and at times, this care is needed to give permanent teeth ample room to come in.
Signs Your Child Needs Orthodontic Care
It is common for parents to determine that it’s best for their children to have a consultation at a later age as many are unaware of bothersome signs that are exhibited by children. The following are common complaints a child and/or parent begins to notice. These may need varying levels of care, however, an exam should be sought for the following:
- Difficulty chewing or biting food
- Mouth breathing
- Early or late loss of baby teeth
- Crowded or misplaced teeth
- Jaw that makes popping sound upon opening or closing
- Finger or thumb sucking
- Why Treatment is Necessary
While some people only get braces or Invisalign for cosmetic reasons, there are a number of other health problems that can benefit by straighter teeth. Straight teeth are easier to get clean which results in less tooth decay and gingivitis. If a bite is corrected, this also fixes many structural problems, therefore, reducing discomfort from jaw pain and chewing.
Computer Technology Has Greatly Improved Orthodontics
Although treatment is not the most enjoyable experience, which makes it’s quite certain many parents would tend to agree that braces could be quite bothersome, innovative therapy options are available. With the latest technological advances these treatments are less painful, less noticeable, and more efficient than previous years. An alternative to the metal option is the use of clear brackets, also known as Invisalign. No matter the treatment option chosen, the advances in orthodontia make realignment less uncomfortable while achieving quicker results.
Early treatment for orthodontic problems is the best option. Protect the oral health of your child by finding out more information about how Tisseront Orthodontics can best serve your needs. Friendly staff are available to answer your questions or schedule a consultation.