Words of Wisdom No.10: “Conceal with Color“

If you or your child needs to get braces, you have many color options to choose from. The days of being forced to wear ugly metallic braces are long gone. Now you can at least have braces that are stylish and make you feel more confident while you are wearing them.

Select the Right Colors

Talk to your orthodontist and find out if he or she has a braces color selector, which is sometimes called a color wheel. This will give you a list of all of the braces colors options that are available to you. Consider these colors for a long time before you actually get the braces. This will prevent you from being forced to make a fast decision. You need to remember that the colors that you see represented on the selector are going to appear lighter when you see them on your actual braces. There are also color wheels online that you can take a look at before you visit your orthodontist. These will give you an idea of what you can expect. Ideally, you want to find a color wheel online that is interactive. This will allow you to place the various colors onto a photo of teeth that are wearing braces. By doing this, you can see what you are going to look like when wearing the different colors. However, some of the colors featured on various websites may not be available at your orthodontist’s office. You should also consider getting clear braces.

Call Us Today for an Appointment

Dr. Stephan Tisseront offers complete orthodontic evaluations at his facility in Reston, Va. In addition to having whiter looking teeth, you want to have a sturdy bite and a perfect smile. At Tisseront Orthodontic, Dr. Tisseront takes care of patients of all ages who need to have a variety of orthodontic treatments such as:

• Invisalign aligners made of soft plastic
• Metallic lingual braces worn on the backs of teeth
• Invisible wires and color-matching ceramics
• Old-fashioned metal and wire devices
• Custom-made retainers

Call our orthodontist today at 703-773-1200 to schedule an appointment.

Tisseront Orthodontics
11720 Plaza America Drive, Ste. 110 Reston VA 20190-4762 Phone: (703)773-1200

Words of Wisdom No.10: “Conceal with Color“