Diabetes and Orthodontic Treatment

Diabetes affects millions in the USA and across the world. Orthodontic treatment with diabetes is a concern. For the dental industry and for the public. Those with diabetes seeking or undergoing orthodontic treatment should read on. You will find out the facts on diabetes and orthodontic treatment.

How does Diabetes Affect Orthodontic Treatment?

Diabetes can cause gum disease. This is because diabetic people may have higher levels of bacteria in the body. Patients often have issues during their orthodontic treatment.

When periodontitis disease causes bone loss or inflammation, teeth may move into the wrong positions during treatment.

Types of Diabetes Mellitus

Type 1 diabetes mellitus is also known as juvenile-onset diabetes. As the nickname suggests, it’s most common with younger people generally less than 20 years old. Type 1 diabetes mellitus results in autosomal failure of pancreatin beta cells, which results in a lack of insulin production.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus on the other hand starts insidiously after aging and has increased in the past decade.

Can Diabetic Patients Get Braces?

Diabetes does not constitute a contradiction for orthodontic therapy. However, unregulated diabetes is potentially detrimental to surgical results. 

Dentists and orthodontists should understand the importance of controlling diabetes in the first place; they can also exclude periodontal diseases.


Diabetes and Gum Disease

Gum disease is frequently created from plaque buildup and while plaque does not differ from diabetic to non-diabetic the patient is more likely to be exposed, this increases the risk of gum disease in patients who have diabetes.

Therefore, patients are required to follow proper oral hygiene practices. Gum disease can lead to elevated blood sugar levels, which can affect diabetics and other people. The excessive amount of blood sugar can cause plaque formation, which can increase tooth loss.

Having diabetes weakens white blood cells. They are your body’s best defense against infections in the mouth. A dry mouth is also a symptom of diabetes. In addition to washing away food particles, saliva also neutralizes tooth-decaying acids.

The thickening of blood vessels is another effect of diabetes. Nutrition is delivered to tissues in the body and mouth through these blood vessels. As these vessels thicken, this process is slowed down. The impacts of these factors are many. 

The Signs of Periodontal Disease

The overall mouth is a vulnerable place during orthodontic treatment. You can develop periodontal disease easily. The application of brackets to teeth and the movement of gums will ensure that constant oversight is needed. You can spot the signs yourself with the following tips:

  • Swollen or tender gums
  • Bleeding gums when brushing/flossing
  • A difference in bite
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Taste metal

Diabetes Among Patients Seeking Orthodontic Treatment

Diabetes is a common problem for orthodontics users. While orthodontic treatment has traditionally been more common in teens or in young adults, recent advances have encouraged elders to consult with dentists for orthodontic care.

This increases the prevalence of patients coming into dental care who may be diagnosed with medical diseases such as diabetes mellitus. A survey published last year revealed about 55% of dentists in the UK had diagnosed a diabetic problem.

Smoking with Diabetes

This is not a good combination at all. Research conducted at The Cleveland Clinic found that people with both diabetes and smoking habits are 20 times more likely to develop periodontitis than those without.

For this high-risk group, quitting is the only option. Although gum disease is preventable, it is necessary to practice good oral hygiene practices, such as brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and using mouthwash after meals. 


Diabetes mellitus often appears in orthodontic treatments. Because diabetes can negatively affect bone remodeling the tooth is often misaligned and requires teeth corrections in the case of diabetics.

Therefore, dentists should be aware of basic knowledge of diabetic management, its complications, and the consideration of its effects. Diabetes has never caused any side effect of orthodontic treatment.

However, diabetes can affect the procedure. Know all the facts before you begin orthodontic treatment.


Dr. Tisseront and the professionals at Tisseront Orthodontics know the facts about diabetes and orthodontic treatment. It starts with good oral health and continues with support and oversight to complete a successful result.

We specialize in aesthetic orthodontics (lingual braces, Invisalign, and clear braces) for both children and adults. 

Private practice at its best. In order for you to get in touch with the team, you can schedule an appointment at their Reston office.

Diabetes and Orthodontic Treatment