Does Invisalign Give You a Lisp?

If you’ve read of the numerous advantages of Invisalign, you might have also come across the so-called Invisalign lisp. In medical terms, a lisp is a speech impediment related to the sounds corresponding with the sounds “z”, “s”, “sh”, or “ch”.

But is it an urban myth that all Invisalign users undergoing treatment develop a lisp, or are there any hard facts to support this?

Invisalign provides a fabulous way to achieve straighter teeth. But do the benefits outweigh the possibility of developing a lisp? Do all Invisalign users develop a lisp? Are the effects permanent?

If these sound like something you want to know, then keep reading. In this article, we will explore the possible reasons for someone undergoing Invisalign treatment to develop a lisp and possible solutions.

Adjustment period

Any orthodontic appliance in your mouth can affect how you talk or sound, and Invisalign is no exception. Although Invisalign’s sleek design and snug fit ensure little to no change in speech patterns, your mouth and tongue still need to get used to these aligners when speaking.

There is a brief initial period of adjustment. Once you get accustomed to your aligners, you may notice the issue clearing up on its own.

Alignment issues

How long the lisp lasts depends on a few variables. Every patient is different. Any lisp caused exclusively after starting Invisalign treatment will go away in a couple of weeks. For some people, the adjustment period may last just a few short hours. It is not very likely for Invisalign to cause any severe speech impediments. But in some rare cases, it can occur when aligners are not fitted correctly. If you have allowed sufficient time for adjustment yet feel that your speech isn’t back to normal, it is time to contact your dentist.

Ensure your aligners are fitted correctly. Invisalign treatment must be comfortable, convenient, and hassle-free, so get yourself checked to resolve any underlying issues. It is vital to get this treatment from qualified dentists who are adept at handling it.

Practise makes perfect

If a few weeks have passed since the start of your treatment and you’ve ruled out any misalignment of your aligners but continue to face issues with lisping, the next step is to practice! The first instinct for someone with a lisp may be to talk less to hide it.  But talking will help resolve the problem sooner. Converse with your friends, neighbors, or family, read books aloud, and talk to your pets. The more you talk, the more your tongue learns to maneuver around the aligners, and the faster your speech returns to normal.

You may find it more difficult to pronounce certain words. Keep saying those words while wearing your aligners until it begins to feel natural. With practice, your lisp should disappear.

Public Speaking

If you have to speak at a major event, attend an important meeting or phone call, and feel conscious of your lisp, you can remove the aligners for that specific time. Unlike the traditional metal braces, Invisalign can be removed temporarily during treatment. Ensure that you wear it consistently for 20-22 hours daily to achieve desired results.

Lisp Exercises

You could also try some of the lisp exercises listed below:

  1. Cognizance: Being mindful of your tongue movements can control or prevent the habits that cause lisping. Practicing specific enunciations like “z”, “s”, “sh”, or “ch” with your tongue pressed downward can be beneficial.
  2. Enunciation: Don’t focus on pronunciation alone. Focus on sounding the syllables distinctly and with clarity. Think of different conversational techniques to work on.
  3. Tongue Exercises: Stretching exercises for your tongue, like tongue up-and-downs and side-by-side movements, will help release the tension from the muscles and ease the pressure behind the lisp.
  4. Jaw Massage: Try massaging your jawline and chewing muscles around your cheekbone. It will ease the pressure around your mouth.
  5. Sipping using Straw: Drinking water with a straw helps to naturally keep your tongue positioned down, away from the palate and front teeth, offering relief from pain.


Does the lisp from Invisalign go away?

In general, any lisp caused due to Invisalign is temporary. It will go away in a couple of weeks. Some people even adjust within a few hours. For others, it may not even be evident. Fortunately, the issues emerging from Invisalign are treatable and often reversible.

You may notice a slight lisp when you first wear your Invisalign aligners. Still, it is typically only apparent to you, is usually temporary, and, if it persists, can easily be corrected.

Why does my Invisalign give me a lisp?

Any orthodontic appliance in your mouth can affect the way you talk. Your mouth and tongue need to learn to make sounds while wearing your new clear aligners. During this adjustment period, you may notice a slight lisp. Once you get accustomed to your aligners, the issue will clear up.

Does Invisalign mess with speech?

Although Invisalign’s sleek design and snug fit ensure little to no change in speech patterns, your mouth and tongue still need to get used to these aligners when speaking. You may notice a lisp while pronouncing words with ‘s’, ‘z’, and ‘sh’ sounds.

How long does Invisalign give you a lisp?

The lisp is temporary and can go away in a few hours to a few weeks. Even if it persists, it is treatable.