Dry Mouth With Braces – Why and Solutions

Straighter teeth, better spacing, and a more aesthetically pleasing smile are all possible results of wearing braces. However, you will need to endure some unpleasant circumstances before you can reach the point where you can enjoy the benefits, one of these is a dry mouth with braces.

If you are experiencing a dry mouth with braces, taking measures to alleviate this bothersome sensation and prevent a more serious oral health issue down the road is crucial.

Is Dry Mouth With Braces a Common Problem?

Dry mouth is a common issue among those who have had orthodontic treatment, but not everyone experiences it during treatment.

Braces are a foreign material and a new experience to the mouth. It takes up more space and irritates the mouth walls as it rubs against them. Your mouth responds to these changes by producing less saliva and other symptoms. The mouth reacts to it because it is trying to protect the human body from invading foreign objects.

However, it is a natural side effect of braces treatment, and the mouth adjusts to it within a few days.

Symptoms of Dry Mouth With Braces

Several factors could contribute to causing dry mouth, such as inflammation or irritation that lowers your saliva production.

Bad breath, a dry and burning throat, a dry nose, thirst, dehydration, and trouble swallowing are typical symptoms of this condition.

Additionally, as the lips extend to fit braces in the mouth, some people experience dryness and cracking of the lips.

You should be aware that your diet changes to support brace therapy. If you drink less water than normal due to oral tightness, you will have a dry mouth in the morning.

When you sleep with braces, you’re more likely to breathe through your mouth, which can lead to a dry mouth while sleeping.

Side Effects of Dry Mouth With Braces

In a normal state, saliva contains an enzyme called the lysosome, which is responsible for killing bacteria. If you have a dry mouth for an extended period, it creates an environment favorable for the growth of bacteria and can cause long-term dental problems. Xerostomia is one of the potential consequences of dry mouth with braces.

Other adverse effects include dental decay, mouth sores, and yeast infections.

What is Xerostomia?

A dry mouth, otherwise known as Xerostomia, is characterized by a painful and irritating sensation that develops when there is insufficient saliva in the mouth. Even a slight case of dry mouth can be annoying, but if it persists longer, it could lead to dental concerns. It is quite common for people who wear braces to experience dry mouth, particularly when they first begin orthodontic treatment. Therefore, treating Xerostomia is essential for avoiding oral diseases.

Tell Me the Best Way to Prevent Dry Mouth With Braces

Try home remedies on the first day of Xerostomia. Limit your coffee intake, chew sugar-free gum, and drink plenty of water. If your mouth’s dryness persists and remedies don’t cure it, consult a doctor.

Some solutions for dry mouth with braces are listed below.

Avoid Dehydration by Maintaining an Adequate Water intake

Try hard to increase your water intake and stay hydrated. Water helps to clean the mouth and keeps it from drying out. Due to oral tightness, limiting your water intake is not a good idea after wearing braces.

Some people only consume liquids such as drinks and juices, but this is not the best practice.

Since water is the most important liquid, nothing else can compare. To quickly fight off Xerostomia, drink lots of water.

Use Ice Chip

Sucking on crushed or ice chips is a fantastic way to keep the moisture in your mouth. Since ice will provide you with some temporary relief from your dry mouth, you should avoid chewing ice between your teeth since it might cause pain and damage to your orthodontic appliances.

Eat High Water Content Food

Consuming food that contains a high proportion of water, such as watermelon, is another effective method for preventing dryness in the mouth. Other foods that are high in water content include cucumbers and pineapple. It would be best if you stayed away from dry and salty foods.

Avoid Breathing Through The Mouth.

A dry mouth is a usual problem for people who sleep with their mouths open and breathe through their mouths. It will result in a dry mouth while sleeping or a dry mouth when waking up. Avoiding mouth breathing is necessary to keep the mouth moist. Have plenty of water and rely on nasal breathing to the greatest extent possible.

Artificial Saliva

Candies and gums are great for preventing dry mouth and keeping the mouth wet since they stimulate saliva production. However, if you currently have braces on your teeth, this is not the best choice for you. When it comes to braces, an artificial saliva product, such as a spray or gel prescribed by the dentist, works the best.

Avoid Caffeine, Smoking, and Alcohol

Abstain drinking coffee and tea, chewing tobacco, and smoking to limit oral activities. However, the things listed above dry up the mouth and create discomfort.

Use Humidifier

A dry mouth is generally triggered by the dry air that prevails during the night hours. Make sure to turn on a humidifier before going to bed. Humidifiers spray moisture into the air, which helps to keep you, the person in the room, hydrated.


Although braces are fantastic, they can lead to irritation and dry mouth. Understand how to handle dry mouth with braces. Knowing what causes it and how to stop it is vital because ignoring it could result in long-term dental issues.

While Xerostomia and any other discomfort you may experience during orthodontic treatment won’t last long, the advantages of a beautiful, healthy smile will endure for a very long time. It would be best if you visited your general dentist every month for checkups and cleanings because a dry mouth might facilitate the growth of bacteria.

Dry Mouth With Braces – Why and Solutions