I Don’t Have Any Dental Problem: Should I Still Visit and Orthodontist?
This is a question that is commonly asked. The answer to this question is yes. Even though you may not think that you do not have any dental problems, the problem may not be something that you can identify yourself. Often times, many people think that they have the same knowledge as an orthodontist but in reality, they don’t. Orthodontists go to school for ten to eleven years after completing high school. In this additional schooling, Orthodontists learn everything necessary about fixing teeth. Using the internet to research dental information can be extremely confusing and could lead to further damage.
Dental care is not something that should be taken lightly. Taken proper care of your teeth is very important. This proper care includes visiting dental care professionals. If teeth are not properly cared for the results can be detrimental. Everyone only gets ones set of teeth, so you better care for the ones you got.
Some common problems that occur with teeth are:
- toothache
- stained teeth
- cavities
- chipped teeth
- impacted teeth
- cracked teeth
- sensitivity to cold
- hyperdontia (too many teeth)
- crooked teeth
- gaps between teeth
- gum problems
- clenching teeth
- grinding teeth
- wisdom teeth problems
- no room to floss
Some of these problems are more serious than others, but all of these problems should be addressed. This is just a list of problems that commonly occur. Not every dental problem is listed. If you feel any type of discomfort or unusual pain you should contact a dental care professional immediately. Waiting to contact a professional could allow the problem to worsen.
There are many things that you can do to prevent these problems from happening. If you are suffering from a toothache a few things that could help are rinsing your mouth with warm water, flossing to remove food caught between teeth, and taking an over-the-counter pain reliever. If swelling, pus, or a fever is noticed a more serious problem could be forming such as an abscess. A dental professional should be contacted as soon as possible to receive antibiotics or further dental work.
If holes are formed in your teeth this can mean you have cavities. Cavities are formed when bacteria or plaque builds up on your teeth. This bacteria destroys the outer shell of the tooth, referred to as enamel. As you get older teeth may start decaying at the gum line or around the edges, which is a problem. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day with a toothpaste that contains fluoride is encouraged to prevent these problems. A few more things that could reduce the chance of getting cavities are
limiting snacks, flossing daily, rinsing with mouthwash, and regular dental appointments. If you are worried about this issue you can ask your dentist if a sealant would help.
The most common dental problem is chipped teeth. Any accident can cause a tooth to chip even if the accident is not so serious. If the chip is large enough and the tooth bonding is strong a crown may be performed by using a material to replace the chipped area. If more work is needed a root canal may be performed before the veneer or crown.
If an adult tooth does not grow in properly this means that is impacted. This usually means that it is stuck against other teeth, bone, or tissues. If an impacted tooth is not bothering you than it is probably fine to be left uncared for. On the other hand, if it is bothering you it can be surgically removed by a dental professional.
When caring for a cracked tooth a crown is usually recommended to protect the crack and prevent it from worsening. If the tooth is sensitive then the problem is more difficult to deal with. In bad cases, root canals or pulling the tooth may be necessary. People with fillings are more likely to experience cracked teeth.
If you are experiencing sensitive teeth the first step to resolving the problem is finding the cause. Sensitivity could be caused by cavities, worn enamel, worn fillings, gum disease, fractured teeth, or exposed gums. Once the source is identified sensitivity can be cured by root canals, filling, gum treatment, desensitized toothpaste, or gel.
Most people have 20 baby teeth and 32 adult teeth. In a few rare cases, some people have extra teeth called hyperdontia. People who have this often have a cleft pallet or tumors. The extra teeth can be removed or an orthodontist can fix your bite.
Braces are for people of all ages. They don’t only make your teeth straighter, it also helps your overall dental health and relieves pain. Teeth can be straightened by braces, retainers, aligners, or Invisalign. Invisalign is an alternative to wire braces that uses transparent, incremental aligners to adjust teeth.
These are a few ways to prevent problems with your teeth. If you do experience any of these problems this information also provides some examples of proper care and treatment. If you do face any of these problems you should contact a dental health care provider immediately. If you are fortunate enough to not face any of these problems you should be sure to attend appointments regularly to keep up with your dental health.
Schedule Regular Appointments At Tisseront Orthodontics
You must continue to visit our orthodontist on a routine basis to make sure that your braces are in optimal condition. Dr. Stephan Tisseront offers a variety of types of braces to his patients, including:
• Traditional metal
• Beautiful ceramic
• Lingual devices
To schedule an orthodontic evaluation for an adult, teenager or child, contact our orthodontic facility today at 703-773-1200.