A Pre-Appointment Checklist for Orthodontist Appointments

Preparing for an orthodontist appointment – especially your first one – can be a bit stressful. In order to help with some of that worry, in this blog post, we’ll tell you exactly what you need to be prepared for your next orthodontist appointment.
What to do before your first orthodontist appointment:
After your initial consultation, you’ll come back into the office and have your orthodontic appliance attached (or cast, in the case of Invisalign retainers).
Before this first appointment, please:
- Clean your teeth to the best of your abilities. If you’re having attached braces, such as metal or ceramic braces, it’s especially important to make sure your teeth are at their best before the brackets are applied.
- Have over-the-counter painkillers and chapstick on hand. You may feel some tenderness in your mouth after having your appliance installed, and some patients report having slight headaches after having their mouth open for the length of their appointment. An over the counter painkiller will reduce these until you’ve become accustomed to your braces. Additionally, your lips may become dry or cracked from being open so long, so a moisturizing chapstick can be helpful, especially in the winter months.
- Prepare your fridge. You will most likely experience some sensitivity in the days or weeks after getting your braces. There are certain foods you should avoid throughout the duration of your orthodontic treatment, especially if you have traditional attached braces. However, we recommend all our orthodontic patients try to eat soft or liquid foods for the first few days of having your appliance. Hard foods such as nuts or tough foods that you have to tear at will make your mouth sensitivity worse.
- Bring a payment method. Whether your treatment is covered by insurance or by a low-cost payment plan, be sure to have a valid form of payment with you for after your appointment. You can ask the orthodontist’s office what forms of payment are accepted and how payments are handled during your initial consultation appointment.
If you are getting fitted for Invisalign trays, you can expect to spend about an hour in this appointment. However, traditional attach braces can take up to 2 hours.
What to do before your average orthodontist appointment:
Once you have your braces applied or Invisalign trays inbound, you’ll be scheduled for routine appointments. These regular check-ups will involve a general cleaning for attached braces as well as a review by Dr. Tisseront to make any needed adjustments.
Before your check-up, please:
- Clean your teeth to the best of your abilities. We’ll help you get into the hard-to-reach places, but any help you can give us is much appreciated!
- Bring your extra orthodontic supplies. This might include bands or your most recent Invisalign tray. These are especially useful if you are experiencing any issues with your orthodontic appliance that you want to discuss with your orthodontist.
- Have over-the-counter painkillers and chapstick on hand. You may feel some tenderness in your mouth after having your adjustments, and some patients report having slight headaches after having their mouth open for the length of their appointment. An over the counter painkiller will reduce these until you’ve become accustomed to your adjustments. Additionally, your lips may become dry or cracked from being open so long, so a moisturizing chapstick can be helpful, especially in the winter months.
- Bring a payment method. Whether your treatment is covered by insurance or by a low-cost payment plan, be sure to have a valid form of payment with you for after your appointment. You can ask the orthodontist’s office what forms of payment are accepted and how payments are handled to make sure you are prepared ahead of time.
This list is generally what you need to do before or bring with you to your orthodontist appointment. However, your orthodontist may let you know if they want you to bring something specific. If you are unsure, please call your orthodontist. Being prepared helps us provide the best possible orthodontic care and helps you feel more at-ease for your orthodontist appointment.