Why Should I Feel [Confident About Invisalign]?

Why Should I Feel Confident About Invisalign?

Ever since man first roamed the Earth, he has always wanted straighter teeth. Men have used everything from gold bands, catgut, and other types of contraptions to get that beautiful smile. Metal braces got invented in the 1900s. For the next fifty or so years, teenagers and adolescents who wanted straight teeth had to wear embarrassing headgear for over two years. When the headgear disappeared, teens still had to deal with uncomfortable and aesthetically unappealing orthodontia.

Both teens and adults can now straighten their teeth without having to walk around with a mouth full of metal. This orthodontic operates as an invisible aligner that fits over your existing teeth. In this blog post, you will get a few benefits to choosing these aligners over traditional braces. After reading this post, you should be more confident in getting Invisalign aligners for you or your teen.

You Won’t Have to Deal With Any Food Restrictions

When you wear traditional orthodontia, your orthodontist will give you a whole list of foods that you should stay away from altogether or eat a lot less of in your daily diet. These foods include candy, popcorn, raw carrots, and apples. When you have the invisible aligners, you will always take them out before eating. Therefore, you can eat the same foods that you had always loved both before and after you got the aligner treatment.

You Can Get a More Accurate Sense of Treatment Time

When you get treated with traditional orthodontia, it’s hard to get a good sense of how long you will have to wear them. This lack of certainty is frustrating as wearing this type of orthodontia for a couple of years will take a lot out of most teens and adults. If you’re going to wear a face full of metal, you want to know how long it will have to reside in your mouth.

With invisible aligners, your orthodontist can approximate treatment time a lot better. That’s because lasers and computer imagery get used to make the trays. With traditional orthodontia, treatment time gets determined by the practitioner’s experience and protocols.

You May Not Have to Get Any Teeth Pulled

Teeth pulling is a real danger when you get traditional orthodontics put on your teeth. When you get invisible aligners, you won’t have to get any teeth extracted. That’s because the aligners create space between your teeth through a process called interproximal reduction.

You Won’t Have to Go to The Dental Office Quite As Often

As teens and adults, we all have our busy schedules that we have to attack every single day. From band practice to chess matches to sporting events to business meetings, very few people have the time to hang out in a dental office every single week. When you get invisible aligners, you get to replace them every few weeks. Some patients can get multiple trays at one time and swap them out on a predetermined schedule. However, this arrangement will depend on your particular circumstances.

Invisible Aligners Put Your Teeth In Less Danger

When you choose invisible aligners, you’ll have healthier gum tissue and will be less likely to experience damage to your tooth enamel. With traditional orthodontics, your teeth could break when the brackets get removed. You will not experience this issue with aligners.

You Will Look Better

You can’t see the clear aligners when they’re on someone’s teeth. This benefit allows you to have a lot more confidence in your smile. Adult patients will especially like this benefit as they can fix their smile without looking like they’re twelve years old.

You’ll Be More Comfortable

Invisible aligners do not irritate your mouth as traditional orthodontic treatments do. Since the orthodontist doesn’t have to work with any wires, you won’t experience pain from overtightening. The aligning trays move your teeth into the correct position in a way that is a lot more gentle than traditional orthodontics.

You’ll Have Better Dental Hygiene

When you have traditional brackets and wires on your teeth, you will have to deal with the nasty task of getting food particles out of them on a regular basis. When you have aligners, you will need to brush your teeth before putting them back in your mouth. There also isn’t any danger of getting food stuck in the trays as you remove them before a meal.

Aligners Won’t Discolor Your Teeth

With traditional orthodontics, the attached bracket can cause your tooth to yellow if you’re not brushing regularly. This issue is problematic for younger patients, many of whom eat a lot of sweets. Once your tooth gets yellowed, you can only get the problem corrected with veneers.

With all these benefits to using aligners to straighten your smile, it’s hard not to be confident in this treatment. But if you still have questions, give us a call or email our office where a member of our staff will happily speak with you about all things Invisalign.

Call Tisseront Orthodontics Today To Schedule an Appointment

At Tisseront Orthodontics in Reston, Va., you can have an examination from our knowledgeable orthodontist. Dr. Stephen Tisseront provides orthodontic treatments for adults, teenagers, and children with these devices:

• Aligners – designed using Invisalign software
• Braces – metal, ceramic and lingual
• Retainers – to keep teeth in position after orthodontic treatment ends
• Surgical orthodontics – removal of baby or extra teeth

Our patients can have iTero arch wires designed at our orthodontic office, and we also offer Acceledent Aura devices to reduce treatment time. Call us today at 703-773-1200 to schedule an examination with Dr. Tisseront in our state-of-the-art orthodontic facility.

Tisseront Orthodontics
11720 Plaza America Drive, Ste. 110 Reston VA 20190-4762

Why Should I Feel Confident About Invisalign?